Adventures in d3.js


Without data there can be no data visualization. results.forEach(function(d) { d.evil = +d.evil; d.passion = +d.passion; d.age = +d.age || 0; d.exp = +d.exp; d.oj = d.oj.replace(/ /g, '-'); d.toothpaste = d.toothpaste.replace(/ /g, '-'); d.time = new Date(d.time); }) var qmap = { time: {q: "Timestamp"}, pb: {q: "What type of peanut butter do you prefer?", a: ["Crunchy", "Smooth"]}, toothpaste: {q:"Where do you squeeze the toothpaste from?", a: ["Top", "Bottom"]}, cv: {q:"Vanilla or Chocolate?", a: ["Chocolate", "Vanilla"]}, tp: {q:"What direction does toilet paper go on the holder thingy?", a: ["Over", "Under"]}, oj: {q:"Do you prefer pulp or no pulp in your orange juice?", a: ["Pulp", "No-pulp"]}, evil: {q:"Where do you sit on the good vs. evil scale?"}, age: {q:"How old are you?"}, passion: {q:"How passionate of a person are you?"}, exp: {q:"How many years have you been building for the web?"} } //time,pb,toothpaste,cv,tp,oj,evil,passion,exp,age

Tributary Starter pack



Binding data to DOM elements

var ppl = display.selectAll("div.person") .data(results) ppl.enter() .append("div").classed("person", true){ width: "20px", height: "20px", float: "left", margin: "2px", "background-color": "#26BD7A" })

Tributary Example


Doh ray me fah sooooo.

var colorScale = d3.scale.ordinal() .domain(["Crunchy", "Smooth"]) .range(["#fff", "#000"])
Tributary Example
var linearScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([1, 10]) .range([0, 400])
Tributary Example
var timeScale = d3.time.scale() .domain(d3.extent(results, function(d) { return d.time })) .range([0, 400])
Tributary Example

Scatter Plot



var format = d3.time.format("%m/%d %H:%M") var axis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(timeScale) .orient("bottom") //left, right, top .ticks(5) //best guess .tickFormat(format) //.tickValues([20, 25, 30]) //specify exact values var g = svg.append("g") axis(g) g.attr("transform", "translate(100, 600)") g.selectAll("path") .style({ fill: "none", stroke: "#000"}) g.selectAll("line") .style({ stroke: "#000"}) Axes
Tributary Example
var scale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([20, 30]) .range([10, 300]) var brush = d3.svg.brush() brush.x(scale) brush.extent([22, 28]) var g = svg.append("g") brush(g) g.attr("transform", "translate(50, 100)") g.selectAll("rect").attr("height", 30) g.selectAll(".background") .style({fill: "#4B9E9E", visibility: "visible"}) g.selectAll(".extent") .style({fill: "#78C5C5", visibility: "visible"}) g.selectAll(".resize rect") .style({fill: "#276C86", visibility: "visible"}) Brush
Tributary Example


The force is with you.

var force = d3.layout.force() .charge(0) .nodes(results) .size([700, 700]) force.on("tick", function(e) { var q = d3.geom.quadtree(results); results.forEach(function(d) { q.visit(collide(d)) }); var k = 0.1 * e.alpha; svg.selectAll("circle") .attr({ cx: function(d) { return d.x += (xScale(d.passion) - d.x) * k; }, cy: function(d) { return d.y += (yScale(d.evil) - d.y) * k; } }) }); force.start(); function collide(node) { var r = node.radius + 10, nx1 = node.x - r, nx2 = node.x + r, ny1 = node.y - r, ny2 = node.y + r; return function(quad, x1, y1, x2, y2) { if (quad.point && (quad.point !== node)) { var x = node.x - quad.point.x, y = node.y - quad.point.y, l = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y), r = node.radius + quad.point.radius; if (l < r) { l = (l - r) / l * .5; node.x -= x *= l; node.y -= y *= l; quad.point.x += x; quad.point.y += y; } } return x1 > nx2 || x2 < nx1 || y1 > ny2 || y2 < ny1; }; }

Tributary Example



var questions = [ "pb", "toothpaste", "cv", "tp", "oj" ] var stickers = {}; questions.forEach(function(q) { var answer = qmap[q].a[0]; stickers[answer] = d3.sticker("#" + answer); answer = qmap[q].a[1]; stickers[answer] = d3.sticker("#" + answer); })
Tributary Example

d3.selectAll(".CodeMirror-scroll").style({"font-size": "22px", "line-height": "22px"})
